アバウト(about) - a little explanation as to how i ended up here...

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☆ meet the webmaster

my name is mako - owner of this place and lover of all things tacky, niche, and 2000s.

☆ i got into web design the year before i started this project (because i had to). i ended up really enjoying it, and used websites where you could build HTML profiles to teach myself what i didn't know. that summer, i began to research old websites and crafted one of my own inspired by them.. and voila! makoenergy was borneded
☆ i am a wannabe archivist of old internet content (mostly Final Fantasy related). i use windows gadgets and Flash-based calendars on my desktop, and my computer files look like something you'd find under a rock. i like rocks though, sooooo.....
☆ my goal is to work in the tech field! if i could, i'd bring back skeumorphism to UI design and NEVER let it die again. mua ha ha
☆ you probably think i do a very poor job of trying to keep myself anonymous online. well, who asked you?! mako OUT!!

☆ this website was coded with equal parts hate + love and originally concepted on an orange Post-It i found stuck to my desk. i recoded it completely a few months after learning how to do more with HTML/CSS.
makoenergy's namesake is the energy source used in FF7; it's inspired by Flash websites of the 2000s and 2010s, as well as video game websites like GameSpot's. i have always wanted the flip phone used throughout the FF7 series, starting with FF7AC, the Panasonic FOMA P900iV (YES!! IT'S A REAL THING1!BOTTOM TEXT) so the layout is boxed inside the top screen of one. in case i haven't rubbed it in your face enough, i made that. me.
☆ i think the best thing about this site is that it'll be on the internet forever, and even when i've probably gone on to be a fat pocketed billionaire, this little thing'll always be here for anyone to find someday. it's weird to know nothing can ever really be deleted online, but that's the beauty of it-- the effort's never wasted!

☆ other stuff about me...

    some of my favorite music artists are..
  • Dancing Fantasy ☆ Takako Mamiya ☆ Nobuo Uematsu ☆ Kaystrueno ☆ Lostrushi/Lucy Bedroque ☆ Michael Jackson
    some of my favorite video games are..
  • The Compilation of Final Fantasy 7 ☆ Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney ☆ Pokemon Y ☆ Mario Kart Wii + Mario Party ☆ Persona 5 Royal ☆ Roblox (yes)
    some of my favorite movies/TV shows are..
  • John Wick ☆ Final Fantasy 7: Advent Children ☆ Nikita ☆ Bad Girls Club ☆ The Girls Next Door ☆ Jerseylicious
    some fun facts about me are..
  • my favorite Final Fantasy 7 character is Rufus Shinra-- cough if you didn't notice. (go check out my shrine in extras!)
  • besides internet content, i collect physical FF7 memorabilia too! i have about 30 items right now. my most prized posessions are my Rufus Shinra figures and my copy of FF7 Rebirth.
  • my favorite 2000s subculture is McBling. i have a collection of Victoria's Secret PINK foldover yoga pants, which somehow did not cost me a fortune
  • i have been drawing for as long as i can remember! when i first made this website i had been drawing with my finger for several years, and switched to a drawing tablet a few months later.
  • my computer still has Adobe Flash, just in case i need to find a certain file that the Ruffle Emulator can't run.

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