welcome to my new and improved blog!

please mind the boring-ness. i'm still working out how i want this to look.
see a topic you like? use the buttons to your left to navigate!
since i prefer to stay more anonymous than not, i will likely not delve into heavy subject matter (i sound like ChatGPT rn), but if i really feel the need to put a content warning, i will.

have fun picking my brain!

view pre-V2 (archived) blogs below!

2024年03月11日 - Quick Updates + Laptop Find

HELLOOOAUR how ya doin makoenergians?? time for my monthly blog. i should do this more often but i'm insanely busy lately.
so i've been playing ff7 rebirth and it is AMAZING. i'm definitely going to post a review when i finish, etc etc. speaking of finishing stuff, i plan to get a lot more work done on this site during the summer months when i'm not swamped with work. for now, though, i've been considering some new site layout concepts. fun fact- this site's layout was drawn out on an orange Post-It note, if i find it i'll link an image somewhere LOL
i stumbled across an old laptop a while ago running Windows 7 Starter, and just now started to fiddle with it. it's got a lot of nice little relics of my past on it, like cute home videos and saved links to long-gone websites. Internet Explorer obviously didn't work so i had to put Firefox on it with a flash drive. it worked btw! i might update it to Win 7 Ultimate but i don't want to lose any old internet links etc that are in the files so i might not do that. we shall see
lemme can it for now.. i'll update you soon! make sure 2 chug a water bottle
- mako

2024年02月19日 - State of the Union Site (so far)

hellooo it's like 2 am right now yikes!! its tough out here in Midgar yall
10 days left until FF7 Rebirth!! i can't wait. omg. anyway, i finally completed the main layout of my site. i feel so accomplished but there's still so much to be done. at least i have a lot of shrines planned. speaking of which, my Rufus shrine is done. for all of u who have no clue in heck who he is (but you've seen that i keep talking about him on my Links page and whatnot), that shrine is gonna help u out. it was so much fun to make, but obviously it's not finished. still gonna mount it onto Neocities as-is and do the rest later.. i can't wait to finish the 2000s and FF7 ones, but my man gets first priority LOL
- mako

2024年01月14日 - FFVII Excavation

good evening makoenergians.. this is my first blog entry. it took ages to set this up so i hope it works.. at the moment i'm in brackets trying to figure out iframes and RSS but it's going decent, i think.
my first entry will be a website showcase!
enter -Final Fantasy VII Excavation-.
this website was hosted on webs.com by a guy called Grimoire Valentine from March 17th, 2009 until late last year, when the last remnants of the site were removed. i came across this site while it was still being hosted, and it was a big inspiration for me to get into sitemaking myself.
originally, this website was part of the webmaster's Square Enix Members group (back in the 2000s, Square Enix used to have online forums on their site- i plan to get into this more in a future blog!).
the main premise of FFVII Excavation was to provide extensive information on the Compilation-- back in those days, information like that was hard to come by so i'm sure this website was very appreciated by whoever visited it. the webmaster also translated the entirety of Before Crisis, a game only available on Japanese flip phones from 2004-2017. you can find that playthrough here. you can tell Grimoire really loved the Compilation and did his best to preserve it. i wonder what he's doing today..
anyway, it's getting late now. even if you don't play the games, i hope you'll take a look! this was a lot of fun to write. i really enjoy informational FF7 websites, especially those made by the community, and i'd like to share more with you guys. now go drink some water!
- mako
